Many at times people do not know whether they should get refurbished, new or simply just settle for used pharmacy equipment. It can be really tough especially if you are an upcoming medical facility. Below is an explanation of what the three terms mean and their advantages.
New equipment is equipment that is yet to be unsealed and is distributed by an authorized channel like a retailer or a distributor. The advantage of purchasing or leasing new equipment is that it comes with the full manufacturer's warranty. You can also be assured that it functions well because it has been tested by the manufacturer and has met all the required standards.
Refurbished equipment on the other hand is used equipment that has been repaired or has had some of its parts replaced. It functions as good as the new equipment and comes with a warranty. The advantage of purchasing refurbished equipment is that it is less expensive than the new ones even though they both perform similarly.
Used pharmacy equipment is exactly as the word describes it; used. If you want to really cut on costs but get high end equipment, then you should consider purchasing or leasing used equipment. The only disadvantage is that you might get obsolete equipment or equipment that malfunctions often so be careful in your selection.
Many health care professionals have often been confused by the "lingo" used by finance companies. As a result, they have had to agree to terms and conditions that are very bogus. This is why it is very important to involve someone who is an expert in the financial field such as a certified accountant or a lawyer who specializes in leases.
Another secret of getting what you want in a lease, especially since you want to lease used equipment, is to always be firm in your decisions. If you specifically want equipment that hasn't been used for more than two years, ensure that you inform your supplier. There is nothing as bad as getting equipment that is ten years old, obsolete and malfunctions every so often. You should be wary of salesmen who have a smooth tongue. They are the ones who are likely to coax you into a bogus deal.
It is not easy getting a financing company that will meet most of your needs if not all of them. We all at some point wish we could just sit back, click on our computers and get free and instant quotes from hundreds of leasing finance companies. They should also not have any sales reps that will bother us while we try to compare and prioritize lease quotes.
If this sounds like something you would like, why not visit LeaseQ? They are the leading source of lease quotes from leading finance companies. They make it safe, fast and free for anyone to lease equipment from a company of their choice.
To see if you qualify for used pharmacy equipment leasing, click here for a free quote.
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