There are several ophthalmic equipment distributors who offer new and used machines. Some examples of used ophthalmic equipment include stands, chairs and slit lamps. Typically, this kind of equipment is high end and they are re-manufactured and offered back for resale. The main reason for this is that they can be offered at a reduced priced as compared to the new ophthalmic equipment. However, as you acquire used ophthalmic equipment either through purchase or leasing, ensure that it is of high quality since opthalmic surgical procedures are sensitive hence require flawless performance.

Used Ophthalmic Equipment - Purchase or Lease?

Practitioners who want to keep their costs low should consider leasing used opthalmic equipment. It is quite common for such practitioners to invest in purchasing equipment instead of exploring leasing and financing. All practitioners should analyze the costs and look for ways in which to cut down on such expenses. With this in mind, many practitioners have seen the importance of leasing used ophthalmic equipment for their health centers.

Used Ophthalmic Equipment Leasing

So, is it possible to get a good leasing deal for your ophthalmic equipment? Absolutely! You simply need to ensure that you have done your homework before you decide to purchase or lease any used ophthalmic equipment. There are several companies that provide leasing services hence you can request your provider to give you some recommendations. Better still, you can get a quick and free quotation from LeaseQ. This professional leasing company has a wide array of used leasing equipment that you can choose from. The beauty about leasing is that you will be able to keep your costs low.

Used Ophthalmic Equipment Financing

Usually, the private individuals who sell used ophthalmic equipment do not provide a sufficient warranty so you may end up getting stuck with this used machine if it breaks down. So, ensure that you purchase used equipment that comes with warranty. However, are there any financing options that would enable you purchase the used ophthalmic equipment that you need? Yes, you can acquire a loan which you can use to purchase the equipment that you need. LeaseQ offers a soft credit pull that has no effect on your credit score.

So, is there a difference between used, re-manufactured and refurbished ophthalmic equipment? Well, with all the three classifications, the equipment is in fact, used. When the machine is rebuilt and repaired to the original specifications of the manufacturer, then you will end up with a piece of equipment that is as good as new, but, it will cost much less that a similar new piece.

Keep in mind that as you choose to acquire used ophthalmic equipment, weigh the benefits that you would get from either purchasing or leasing this equipment. By dealing with a well regarded leasing company like LeaseQ, be assured you'll get the highest quality used equipment. With leasing with LeaseQ, you can reapply for the equipment that you would when the need arises. Also note that at the end of the expiration period, you can return the machine, opt for a replacement or purchase the machine at a lower price. So, if you need more information on leasing used ophthalmic equipment with LeaseQ, click here for a free quote.