When it comes to leasing medical imaging equipment, the manufacturer that makes the equipment is a very important factor to consider. This is because at the end of the day it all boils down to the quality of the equipment which is usually associated with the manufacturer. Siemens MRI scanners are known for their ability to produce high quality images as well as their durability. Below is an overview of Siemens healthcare company and their MRI scanners.

Overview of Siemens MRI Scanners

Siemens Healthcare prides itself as one of the largest suppliers of medical imaging equipment to health care facilities.

They boast of being able to make healthcare cost effective, better and faster. They made their first X-ray machine in 1896, and since then, they have been able to come up with comprehensive imaging solutions. Their medical equipment can be found in 8 out of 10 medical facilities in the United States.

They have a portfolio for MRI equipment which makes it much easier for health facilities to make a choice. Their portfolio covers a wide range of MRIs with magnetic field strengths of 0.35 tesla to 3 tesla. You can upgrade your current MRI equipment through their options and upgrades. This way, you can keep up with current innovations.

Siemens MRI Scanner Leasing

MRI scanners are not exactly a cheap investment for any health facility which is why leasing is a better option to making a cash purchase or taking out a loan to finance the equipment. There are two types of leases and it is up to you to determine which one is the best lease for you. The type of lease that you choose will depend on how long you plan on using the equipment, what you want to do with the equipment once your lease expires, your cash flow, your tax situation and your health facility's current and future needs.

The two types of leases are the dollar buyout lease and the fair market value lease. The dollar buyout lease, otherwise known as a capital lease gives you the option of purchasing the MRI scanners for $1 at the end of the lease agreement.

A market value lease, also known as a true lease, offers you several types of options at the end of the lease term. You may have the option of purchasing the equipment at fair market value, renew the terms of the lease or return the equipment to the owner.

Siemens MRI Scanner Financing

You can now get affordable Siemens MRI scanner leasing and financing at LeaseQ. LeaseQ is a leading source of online lease quotes from hundreds of leading finance companies. They make it easier to lease and finance equipment by linking health facilities with real lenders.

You can get free and instant quotes online at LeaseQ. What's more is that you can choose from a variety of finance options such as a $1 buyout or returning the equipment after the lease has expired.

To see if you qualify for Siemens MRI scanner leasing, click here for a free quote.