Sell Used Medical Equipment

If you do not have the resources, time and experience to sell used medical equipment, then you are not alone. Majority of the medical facilities have got more vital issues that require attention hence they do not have the time to struggle with the nuances that are associated with selling used equipment. You can only imagine the effort and time that you would have to take in researching realistic kind of pricing for your medical equipment as well as manufacture details, warranty issues, dealing with emails, calls and voice mails from interested buyers. All these can become quite overwhelming within a matter of time.

The good news is that you can find help. There are several legitimate options that can help to assist you in reselling your used medical equipment. Clinics, hospitals, laboratories, imaging centers, universities, medical equipment exporters and importers all benefit from re-selling used medical equipment.

Listing services are ideal for simplified low ticket items although they have got certain limitations. They will charge you a fee, but, you will get whatever you pay for by using this option. With this approach of selling used medical equipment, you will have to place an advertisement for your equipment and ensure that you field all the emails and phone calls. This means that you must research this product with the specific manufacturer. Also, you may be required to deal with repairs, warranty issues, packaging and shipping. Take note that this may not be the best option for complex used medical equipment.

Wholesalers and dealers are also a great resource when you want to sell your used medical equipment quickly. They normally have a good grasp of the used equipment depending on the model and the manufacturer. They can make this process simple; however, the main drawback of using this approach is that you will get low offers for your equipment. If you would like to maximize your return on your investment, then you can consider using consignment companies.

It is imperative to note that the consignment companies offer the better of these two sides. They can provide a quick process, handle logistics as well as deal with phone calls and email inquiries, warranty issues, pricing research, repairs and insurance. These fees are approximately 25% of the final price and this may be worth it if your consider the amount of headaches that you will be saved from. With this approach, you can keep the equipment at your medical facility in case you have the space or you can have the consignment company store the equipment for you.

Medical Equipment Leasing

Healthcare providers choose to lease equipment in order to keep abreast with the latest technology and keep the monthly costs low. The advantage of leasing medical equipment is that you are saved from the hassle of selling the used equipment once you have upgraded your machines. You can ask your provider for information on the leasing companies that are well reputed in your area. LeaseQ provides free and fast quotations to its clients. You can complete the approval process within two minutes. When ready to lease out equipment, ensure that you determine all your requirements. You can choose to return the equipment at the end of the expiry period or you can purchase it at the remaining value.

Medical Equipment Financing

In order to acquire equipment, you can either choose to purchase or lease the same. Financial institutions issue out loans to interested health providers who want to purchase medical equipment. At LeaseQ you can benefit from the soft credit pull that has no effect on your credit score. So, for more information on leasing and financing medical equipment click here for a free quote.