The age old medical equipment leasing versus buying question cannot be answered strictly by thinking about money. Making this decision requires you to take much more into consideration. Things you must consider before you think about leasing an item such as a blood gas analyzer include the following:

1. The efficiency of your medical staff.

2. The lifespan of the analyzers that you are looking for.

3. Whether the equipment will give you a competitive advantage or not.

4. The customer perception of the equipment that you are using.

Those four things are just a few of the factors that you must take into consideration when it comes to whether you should lease your blood analyzers or not. In more cases, taking the leasing option will always do you good in the long run.

The Financial Benefits to Leasing Blood Gas Analyzers

First and foremost, let's focus on the financial benefits of leasing blood gas analyzers.

Preserve Your Capital: By leasing this equipment, you will be keeping capital in your business.

Predictable Cash Flow: When you lease blood analyzers, you will be able to forecast your cash flow each month. Not only will leasing help you save money, it will also simplify the budgeting process significantly.

Taxable Profits: In some instances, you will be able to use your leasing costs to minimize your medical practice's taxable profit.

Preserving Your Credit Lines: By leasing, you will not be affecting your existing credit line in any shape or fashion.

The Technological Benefits to Blood Gas Analyzer Leasing

Other than the financial benefits of blood gas analyzer leasing, there is also a very important technological benefit that could assist your business significantly. By leasing equipment like this, you will be ending your technology obsolescence. Many of you who work in the medical profession know that medical technology can quickly become obsolete. With leasing options, you will be keeping your blood analyzer equipment up to date and refreshed with key upgrades and improvements.

Other Important Factors to Blood Gas Analyzer Financing

If there is one reason that many people find attractive about blood gas analyzer financing, it is the fact that by leasing, you will be eliminating the need for any type of upfront deposit. Even if there is an upfront deposit, you will not have to worry about it being so large that it breaks your bank. With lower upfront costs, and easy scheduled payments, you and your practice will be able to financially focus on other important aspects of the practice, such as marketing and office appearance.

If you are interested in the leasing and financing options that are available to you for blood analyzers and countless other amounts of medical equipment, then you should look no further than LeaseQ. Contact LeaseQ today for a quote that is sure to fit any and all medical supply budgets.

If you would like more information regarding blood gas analyzer leasing and financing, click here for a free quote.